(Please read carefully in conjunction with Terms & Conditions)
Term Dates
We aim to tie our term dates in with schools and will confirm by a newsletter at the beginning of each term.
Parents can choose from full time, full days, sessions or hourly. Minimum attendance applies on all sites; refer to “Terms & Conditions” The Out of School Club operates morning and afternoon on all sites and all day during the school holidays at Alveston and Quinton with a holiday club at Broad Street for Reception and Yr1.
There is a two-week pro rata holiday allowance for those attending all year round inclusive of the closure over Christmas and three further training days. There are no deductions for additional holidays you may wish to take and statutory bank holidays, as staff are paid as normal. For those attending term time only we follow the school terms and holiday, inclusive of inset days and Bank holidays
Breakfast, a healthy lunch and tea can be provided for children present, prepared onsite using fresh produce, with the option to bring a packed lunch if preferred. Drinks and snacks are provided on both sites, although we do ask for bottle feeds to be provided by the parents.
Please inform us if your child is ill and the nature of the illness. Do not send them if you doubt their ability to cope. Only prescribed medication can be given by staff in strictly controlled circumstances. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure Cygnets is made aware of any medical condition (either long or short term) that affects their child.
Accident Procedure
Each accident is reported and recorded on an accident/incident log sheet, which parents countersign and are given a copy. Any accident will be investigated and where appropriate steps taken to eliminate any risks thereby identified. Staff should be made aware of any existing injury and the correct form completed on arrival.
Clothing & Personal Items
Please ensure your child is suitably clothed and has a coat and Wellington boots or hat and sun protection cream as appropriate to the weather – all named. Jewellery should not be worn for safety reasons and draw cords, which might catch in equipment, are also best avoided. We ask parents to supply a spare change of clothing for emergencies. Cygnets tops (navy blue t shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts) can be purchased. Although these are optional we strongly advise the purchase of at least one logo top to be worn as an identifier on trips. Cygnets do not take any responsibility for any mobile devices (phones, games consoles). Mobile phones are to be kept in school bags at all times.
Progress Reports
We like to give appropriate, general feedback on an informal daily basis; however, for feedback on your child’s progress we use an online programme for recording learning journals. Staff use tablets to record observations for these learning journals which are instantly shared via the app with parents/carers. In addition to the journals regular parent appointments are offered to parents/carers to discuss their child’s development. If you need to discuss anything further at any time please ask for an appointment.
We plan regular trips, visitors and activities involving parents, plus joining the school for occasional events. Watch the notice boards and consult your newsletters.
Our most important policies are displayed butfor more detailed information or to see our policies, please ask at the office.
Equal Opportunities
These are actively promoted at Cygnets. At all times we encourage the children to develop their understanding and awareness of cultures other than their own and show respect for others as individuals. Each child will be valued as an individual, regardless of race, disability, creed, cultural background or sex.
We are fully insured and have fire, electrical, oil and gas appliances checked annually. We are registered by Ofsted and take children in receipt of Nursery Education Funding. Ofsted undertake inspections at regular intervals and have awarded Broad street an OUTSTANDING grade in all areas and Alveston and as GOOD at their most recent inspections. The Ofsted reports are all available via the links below: